The CO2 Storage Resource Assessment Project (CO2SRAP)

In the CO2SRAP project, NCEL is collaborating with the University of Stavanger, Norway, New Mexico Tech, USA and Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia to conduct qualitative and quantitative assessment of the CO2 storage potential of sedimentary basins in Ghana for eventual deployment of Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS).

The overall goal is to identify, screen, score and rank available geological storage resources in Ghana in terms of their CO2 storage prospectivity to develop a preliminary CO2 Storage Resource Database for the country and prepare a knowledge gap score card to direct data mobilization towards a more robust assessment in future. Successful implementation of this project will provide an overview of CO2 storage resources in Ghana, an initial estimate of the total amount of CO2 the country can mitigate through CCUS under current conditions, a preliminary database and the knowledge gaps that must be filled for a more robust assessment. The first phase of the project is expected to run for three (3) years and the project will fund two MPhil and one PhD research projects in the Department of Petroleum Engineering, KNUST, to achieve the objectives and provide a strong foundation towards large scale GHG mitigation through CCUS to fulfil UN SDG Goal 13 and achieve the Paris Agreement of NetZero CO2 emission by 2050. The CO2SRAP project is open to partnerships and collaborations from stakeholders.

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