The NetZero Carbon Emission Project (NCEP)

In the NCEP project, NCEL is collaborating with Yinson Production West Africa, the Petroleum Commission, New Mexico Tech, USA and Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS, Malaysia to (1) conduct a comprehensive assessment of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission in Ghana and harmonize all emission data into a single accessible interactive database and (2) assess the carbon intensity of the local oil and gas industry and propose a plausible mitigation plan to achieve a NetZero industry by 2050.

Successful implementation of the project will provide a thorough understanding of the GHG emission dynamics of Ghana, a solid foundation to select and implement effective mitigation techniques and accessibility to GHG emission data for stakeholders to make informed decisions to direct climate initiatives. The project will also provide an overview of the carbon intensity of the local oil and gas industry compared to the global oil and gas industry and a data-driven plan to reduce carbon footprint of the industry to achieve SDG goal 13 and the Paris Agreement. The initial phase of this collaborative project will run for a period of five (5) years. The NCEP project will fund four (4) MPhil research projects and two (2) PhD research projects in the Department of Petroleum Engineering, KNUST, to achieve the objectives. The NCEP project is still open for partnerships and collaborations from all stakeholders.

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